Address data
ul. Sejmikowa 8
04-602 Warszawa
Voivodeship Mazowieckie
phone: +48 22 853 57 53
fax: +48 22 847 61 85
Contact person
Przemysław Szczerbiński, Łukasz Charubin
phone: +48 664129531
phone: +48 664129532
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF
: Cyber, Disruptive technologies, Force protection and mobility, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors, Sensors, Simulation and training
Types of products/services offered
: communication systems, communications, detection systems, electronic warfare, mine-laying & mine clearance equipment, UAV
Exemplary products/services
: bomb disposal expert equipment, i.e. protective clothing, overalls and tools, explosive and drug detectors, heavy mine clearance vehicles UAV, field mine clearance systems, including UAV, SIGINT-COMINT, communications, radio technologies, radio spectrum monitoring systems, SIGINT systems (COMINT, ELINT), electronic warfare systems, UAV PLATFORMS, among others extinguishing,
Company description
Since 1996 the IBKOL company has been the experienced supplier of highly customised security equipment and systems. Our employees have well-established knowledge and experience allowing for implementation of the solutions in widely understood area of protection and security for more than two decades. Our company holds all necessary certificates for effective and specialised operation:
- ISO 9001:2015
- AQAP 2110:2016
- ICS (Internal Control System)
- Licence issued by the Ministry of Interior and Administration
- NCAGE (NATO warehouse number)
- ICT system – “NATO RESTRICTED” clause
- TRACE certificate
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