Address data

ul. Jeziorna 1
05-092 Łomianki
Voivodeship Mazowieckie

phone: +48 22 494 34 11
fax: +48 22 494 34 11

Contact person

Small-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment
Sector EDF : Digital transformation, Disruptive technologies, Force protection and mobility, Materials and components, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors
Types of products/services offered : 3D composite printing, 3D resin printing, additive production, military components, printing in difficult conditions, prototyping, SLS printing, solutions for the army, spare parts, technological audits
Exemplary products/services : Meltio – Spanish multi-laser heads intended for 3D printing with the use of welding wire, enabling 3D printing and part repairs. Markforged – US printers for filament and metal-based composites. Spee3D – Australian “container” machines for ultra-fast 3D metal printing in any and all conditions. Nexa3D – ultra-fast US 3D printers intended for polymers (including functional elastomers).

Company description

3D Phoenix is a leader in additive production technologies, specialising in composite, metal, resin and SLS printing and offering comprehensive solutions for the industry, medicine and defence sector. Our advanced technologies enable production of final parts and prototypes for the army, supporting the field operations by enabling swift repairs of equipment and downtime reduction. Our experienced team of engineers offers full support in optimisation of processes, which enables production of light and durable components, which increase mobility and operational readiness of armed forces. We also support development of the production technologies by supplying the equipment tailored to the specific military requirements, such as printing in difficult field conditions, which ensure autonomy and self-sufficiency at the battlefield. We operate one of the largest machine parks in Poland, which enables processing large orders both for the national and European armed forces.