Address data
ul. Międzyleska 4
50-514 Warszawa
Voivodeship Dolnośląskie
phone: 507 265 115
Contact person
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: air segment, electronics
Sector EDF
: Air combat, Force protection and mobility, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Sensors, Simulation and training
Types of products/services offered
: ground stations, photogrammetry, reconaissance, UAV, UAVs, unmanned aerial systems, unmanned systems
Exemplary products/services
: VESPULA – the set consists in transport backpack containing 4 PFV drones, instrumentation and goggles; BX4 – unmanned aerial vehicle of multicopter type, equipped in observation head with the option of automatic detection and tracking of objects i.e. man, vehicle; BX8 - unmanned aerial vehicle of multicopter type, special feature: flight with load of 10 kg within 15 minutes; ekoSKY - unmanned aerial vehicle of hybrid, option of various configurations of optical loads, special feature: flight duration of 150 minutes – only with electric motors.
Company description
BZB UAS Sp. z o.o. specialises in designing, integration and production of Unmanned Aerial Systems, additionally supported by artificial intelligence. These innovative solutions enable the customers to respond more rapidly to the occurring anomalies and immediately respond during the illegal attempts of interference for example in infrastructure.
The company is the official partner of ARDUPILOT – the largest community involved in unmanned solutions and forms a part of their group of experts. It is also the authorised distributor of CUBEPILOT – the largest global brands involved in unmanned aircrafts.
The company has 100% of Polish capital.