Address data

ul. Musialika 52
41-902 Bytom
Voivodeship Śląskie

phone: +48 32 389 16 10

Contact person

Small-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF : Energy resilience and environmental transition, Force protection and mobility, Materials and components, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors
Types of products/services offered : laundering and basic repairs of working clothes and uniforms, logistics, professional servicing and rental of working clothes and uniforms
Exemplary products/services : flame-retardant clothing, high visibility clothing, ESD and anti-static clothing, multi-protective clothing, clothing for aircraft technicians and tank mechanics, standard working clothes compliant with the EU legislation. Laundering of provided uniforms of the allied armed forces.

Company description

We are the domestic, private entity offering professional servicing and rental of working and protective clothing and uniforms, including laundering, repairs and logistics – laundering of the provided uniforms, HACCP equipment for the military canteens and kitchens; uniform-related logistics; equipment for the technical service employees, protective clothing, ESD, anti-static, multi-protective, HiVis airport clothing or other sectoral clothing.

We specialise in servicing clothing of the production, mechanical and electronic enterprises, technical support facilities and service employees, for example airport services. We provide the highest standard of clothing, compliant with the H&S requirements of the enterprise concerned.

We operate our own, technologically advanced laundry ensuring effective and professional service of our Customers around the country.

We are not affiliated with any capital group and ensure data security of the serviced employees. We offer no services for the hospital and hotel sectors.