Address data

ul. Puławska 300A
02-819 Warszawa

phone: +48 22 5439000
fax: +48 22 5439001

Contact person

The company's activities

Sector of activity : Other segments
Sector EDF : Cyber, Digital transformation, Information Superiority, Sensors
Exemplary products/services : servers, disk arrays, tape libraries, backup systems, IT infrastructure management systems, virtualisation software, analyst support software, cybersecurity tools

Company description

The projects and solutions deployed by Matic include:
– data processing platforms based on the UNIX, Linux and MS Windows systems,
– high-performance systems (high-performance solutions, clusters and server farms),
– local and wire computer networks,
– storage systems and networks,
– backup and data archiving systems,
– information content management systems,
– IT infrastructure management systems,
– unified communications systems, including IP telephony,
– network security systems,
– hardware resource virtualisation,
– digital archives and resource digitisation
– weakness detection tests for the operating IT systems.
– cybersecurity – app solutions and complete training systems at various levels of advancement,
– computer forensics,
– hardware and software for technical departments of governmental agencies involved in national security.
An important and well-developed sector of our company’s operation is developing the technical and systemic infrastructure for medium-sized and large data processing centres, with particular focus on reliability, performance and security of the offered solutions.