Address data

ul. Metalowców 35
39-200 Dębica
Voivodeship Podkarpackie

phone: +48 14 681 18 37
fax: +48 14 680 75 02

Contact person

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics
Sector EDF : Energy resilience and environmental transition, Force protection and mobility, Materials and components, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors
Types of products/services offered : containers, lighting towers, mobile laboratories, pex-pool, power generators
Exemplary products/services : Special containers to PATRIOT system, EMC/EMI Electromagnetically sealed container, Mobile CBRNE Laboratory, Metrological Lab, Microbiological Lab, Container Medical Operating Room, First Aid Container, Workshop Repair of Armament and Electronics, Workshop Container of Handling and Repair, Artillery Workshop of Armament Repair, Container Workshop of Tanks and Automobiles Repair, IT Container, Container Power Stations, Power gensets (1 kW ÷ 2,7 MW), Lighting towers.

Company description

Agregaty PEX-POOL Plus from Dębica is a Polish manufacturer (100% Polish capital), operating since 1991, which developed its own quality and brand name recognizable in Poland, Europe and the USA.

We are the largest Polish manufacturer of special containers (standard and extendable) and container field power plants, one of the largest producers of generating sets, and many other special products for military and civil applications. PEX-POOL cooperates with government, military and civilian clients from Poland, Europe and the USA. We are a permanent partner of the Polish Ministry of National Defense and producers from the PGZ SA Group. Our products are/were working in: Germany, USA, Slovakia, Czechia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chad, Pakistan, Armenia, Balkan countries, and in Poland. PEX-POOL has also realized deliveries of products and services for the US Government (in cooperation with Raytheon Technologies) and for the American Army bases in Poland (through cooperating companies).

We operate on the basis of the Concession No. B040/2009 issued by the Polish Government (for the production and turnover of products and technology for military or police purposes) and based on the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and the NATO quality standard AQAP 2110:2016. Our code in the NATO NCAGE registry: 1386H. Our number in the US D-U-N-S database: 422417506