Address data
ul. 1 Maja 36
71-627 Szczecin
Voivodeship Zachodniopomorskie
phone: +48 91 4624084
fax: +48 91 4624130
Contact person
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: land segment, naval segment, Other segments
Sector EDF
: Materials and components, Simulation and training
Types of products/services offered
: maritime simulators, simulators, simulators of conventional and anti-aircraft arms, simulators of target-locating instruments and optical sights of military equipment, simulators of wheeled armoured personnel carriers (WAPCs), infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), tanks, tactical simulators of WAPCs, IFVs, tanks in squad/company versions,, wide-area automatic control systems for target fields at the firing grounds
Exemplary products/services
: - Training and practicing shooting systems “ŚNIEŻNIK” – BATTLEFIELD, FIRING RANGE – WAPC simulator “JASKIER” – Comprehensive shooting simulator for ROSOMAK WAPC in squad version – Wide-area wireless automatic control systems for target fields at the firing grounds with feedback WSB-04/M – Simulators of “GROM/PIORUN” man-portable anti-aircraft missile set - Simulators of vessel navigation bridges – TH-1 Simulators for ROSOMAK WAPC
Company description
AUTOCOMP MANAGEMENT sp. z o.o. is the producer and supplier of technologically advanced training support systems for the national defence sector and military services as well as for the railway, road and water sector operating on the international market since 34 years. Autocomp is also the contractor of dedicated specialist projects in the area of automation for industry and Polish Navy.
The company operates its own scientific and research facilities covering the IT technology, electronics, optics and mechanics workshops. The company holds the Research and Development Centre status.