Address data
ul. Ignacego Mościckiego 1
24-110 Puławy
Voivodeship Lubelskie
phone: +48 608 030 071
Contact person
Nikodem Czechowski
phone: +48 696 462 845
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF
: Air and missile defence, Air combat, Cyber, Digital transformation, Disruptive technologies, Energy resilience and environmental transition, Force protection and mobility, Ground combat, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors, Naval combat, Sensors, Simulation and training, Space, Underwater warfare
Types of products/services offered
: artificial intelligence, data/sensor fusion software, embedded, embedded system development, machine learning, shooting training support system, software
Exemplary products/services
: BulletProve Target Camera System – training support system for long-range shooters consisting in the target cameras, meteorological stations and gong shot detectors; R&D works, among others commercial and within the projects submitted in the PERUN or EDF competitions.
Company description
BulletProve (BP) is the Polish MSE focusing on research and development services, although the company runs also the internal projects. BP was established in 2019, based on the previous experience of the owner gained in the defence sector.
The key area of interest of the company includes the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in defence and security. Owing to the experience in such domains as optics, ballistics or development, the company creates the AI/ML-based solutions drawing from comprehensive understanding of various technical aspects of the environments, in which these algorithms are applied.
Apart from the defence sector, the company works on the AI solutions for the other markets, for example medical diagnosing, EMG sensors for fitness monitoring or candidate selection systems for the recruitment companies.
Although BP, as MSE, has limited production capacities, it is able to supply, apart from software, the technological demos, proof-of-concept systems and complete designs for the installations, in particular in the area of optoelectronics/imaging, AI edge computing and embedded systems intended for integration with other devices, for example unmanned aerial vehicles.