Address data

ul. Mołdawska 9
02-127 Warszawa
Voivodeship Mazowieckie

phone: +48 22 822 06 73
fax: +48 22 822 06 73

Contact person

Maciej Niewiadomski
Dyrektor ds. Rozwoju Biznesu

phone: +48 501 222 736

Small-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF : Cyber, Digital transformation, Information Superiority, Naval combat, Sensors, Simulation and training
Types of products/services offered : communication systems, IT, ITC solutions, software, systems
Exemplary products/services : - PLUMLA ( - NATO Projects: Alliance Ground Surveillance Battle Lab for NATO AGS Forces. - National Projects: Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defense System for the Polish Navy. - Cyber Security Projects: data analysis, networks, cyber threat detection - Implementations of network and cryptographic solutions - Implementations of cyber security tools in Security Operation Center

Company description

The company provides solutions for the Ministry of Defense, NATO and critical infrastructure companies in the areas of cyber security, communications, software and electronics. We develop complex and extensive IT systems that process national and allied classified information – field and sea.

We implement cybersecurity safeguards – building SOC (Security Operation Center). We develop analytical software for data analysis, searching Internet and Darknet resources.