Address data

ul. Sienkiewicza 19
13-306 Kurzętnik
Voivodeship Warmińsko-Mazurskie

phone: +48 56 474 22 43
fax: +48 56 474 22 42

Contact person

Large enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment
Sector EDF : Materials and components
Types of products/services offered : Comprehensive production of steel structures: welding, cutting, weld treatment, painting, assembly, equipping
Exemplary products/services : Lifts, container tanks, cranes, steel structures of machinery and equipment, general purpose steel structures

Company description

Comprehensive production of large-scale steel structures. We offer the complete production process, including cutting, welding, mechanical treatment, shot blasting, painting, equipping (electrical, electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical), testing and preparation of MRB documentation.