Address data

ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 97
87-100 Toruń
Voivodeship Kujawsko-Pomorskie

phone: +48 56 6234749
fax: +48 56 623 4750

Contact person

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment
Sector EDF : Air and missile defence, Air combat, Force protection and mobility, Ground combat, Materials and components, Naval combat, Simulation and training, Underwater warfare
Types of products/services offered : designing and construction of clothes, IRR, flame-retardant and camouflage clothing, mess and formal dresses, sewing according to dimension table and made-to-measure, tactical and combat clothing
Exemplary products/services : Special overall made of flame-retardant fibre, Alfa combat uniform: sweatshirt, trousers, combat-shirt, formal dress, mess dress of the Police Forces, cloth coat, highlander cape, tactical trousers

Company description

The Kreator company specialises in comprehensive customer service in the area of sewing uniforms and corporate clothing. More than 35 years of experience in sewing for all kinds of Polish armed forces (Police, Fire Brigade, Armed Forces, Border Guard, State Forests, Customs and Services) have allowed to achieve the highest quality standards compliant with extremely restrictive technical and design requirements. Kreator provides the products both on the basis of designs and technical documentations and customised – designed and made-to-measure.

Kreator is proud of producing clothes requiring the highest art of tailoring, recognised when sewing for example formal dresses for the Polish Army. The company operates the machine park equipped with the most technologically advanced sewing equipment available on the market. The company implements the project of introducing the innovative clothing system for uniformed service, professional users and the survival specialists on the market on the basis of the results of its own research and development works.