Address data
ul. Śmidowicza 48
81-127 Gdynia
Voivodeship Pomorskie
phone: +48 58 625 81 02
fax: +48 58 625 01 47
Contact person
Andrzej Wojtkiewicz
Sales Director
phone: +48 58 785 27 41
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: naval segment
Sector EDF
: Naval combat
Types of products/services offered
: PGZ, ship modernization, software
Exemplary products/services
: Construction of Miecznik frigates, construction of ORP [short for Vessel of the Republic of Poland] "Ślązak"
Modernization of ships (e.g. ORP Kościuszko, ORP Puławski...).
Audio, Data and Black Commutators
Secure Voice Terminals
Client/server software for data transmission compliant with ACP127, STANAG5066
Company description
PGZ Naval Shipyard is the oldest Polish shipyard operating since 1922 and continuing the tradition of the Naval Shipyard. The shipyard specializes in providing comprehensive services in the design, repair, conversion, modernization and construction of warships and vessels for other uniformed and state services. PGZ SW also has unique competencies (represented mostly by Electronics and Armament Center (OEiU)) in the development and implementation on Navy ships of its own solutions in the area of communications systems
The manufactured Integrated Communications System enables the unit to establish audio and radio data communications with allied and national naval, land and air units.
In addition, software has been developed at OEiU for covert MMHS data transmission using ACP127 and STANAG5066 standards, which is an essential piece of equipment for any ship participating in NATO missions.