Address data

ul. Centralna 2U
86-031 Osielsko
Voivodeship Kujawsko-Pomorskie


Contact person

Wojciech Domański
Prezes Zarządu

phone: +48 52 324 17 40

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : naval segment, air segment, Other segments
Sector EDF : Air combat, Energy resilience and environmental transition, Ground combat
Types of products/services offered : airbag, parachute, powair
Exemplary products/services : parachute flare parachute extraction parachute cargo parachute rescue parachute for drone braking parachute for drone airbag for drone windsock wind indicator

Company description

With the help of modern technologies used in the field of textiles, we combine energy and air. Since 1995, we have been manufacturing flying equipment—paragliders, rescue parachutes, airbags for drones. We create products that require modern, structured sewing, which are characterized by strength and perfectly refined aerodynamics.

Our strengths:

we employ more than 200 workers/seamstresses experienced in sewing technically difficult products for the aerospace industry

we have signed long-term contracts with aviation fabric companies

we cooperate with defense sector units such as the Air Force Institute of Technology in Warsaw, Military Aviation Works No. 2 in Bydgoszcz

we have 2 full-size laser cutters (1.8 x 12 m)

we have more than 100 single and double needle, light, heavy and zig-zag sewing machines

we have started an investment that will allow us to triple our current production capacity