Address data

ul. 11 Listopada 5A
95-069 Aleksandrów Łódzki
Voivodeship Łódzkie

phone: +48 510047516

Contact person

Sergey Sanevich, Vlada Tykhonova

phone: +380675030765
phone: +48510047516


The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF : Air and missile defence, Air combat, Ground combat, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Sensors
Types of products/services offered : radar systems, radar technologies, software
Exemplary products/services : AESA 3D radar with electronic beam deflection in azimuth and elevation Radar software Control system for the anti-aircraft gunner Mobile radar platform with leveling capability and its own power supply Development of radar, development of radar homing heads Development of a control system for air defense troops

Company description

Radar Systems designs and manufactures airborne threat detection products for the protection of armed forces, national borders, critical assets, civilian protection and civilian infrastructure.