Address data

ul. Moniuszki 7
40-005 Katowice
Voivodeship Śląskie

phone: +48 321 313 952
fax: +48 321 313 952

Contact person


The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, air segment
Sector EDF : Air combat, Force protection and mobility, Ground combat, Materials and components
Types of products/services offered : ammunitions, spare parts, weapons
Exemplary products/services : Multi-caliber ammunition, ERA reactive protection, PE-4 plastic explosives, tanks and artillery ammunition, soldier's equipment, TB-7VM thermobaric grenade, 120mm fragmentation and demolition mine, PTMi-D1M remote mine clearance system, LGL-7 40mm light grenade launcher, HGL-g 73mm heavy grenade launcher

Company description

National and foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of a strategic nature.

Purchase and sale of weapons, military technologies, ammunition and explosives.