Address data

ul. Nowowiejska 15/19 lok.022A
00-665 Warszawa
Voivodeship Mazowieckie

phone: +48 501 716 977

Contact person


The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics
Sector EDF : Air and missile defence, Air combat, Disruptive technologies, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies, Sensors, Space
Types of products/services offered : electronic warfare
Exemplary products/services : XY-SAR Sensor - miniaturised SAR radar for unmanned aerial vehicle platforms XY-DemoRad - mini ground object surveillance radar XY-ActiveEcho - radar calibration and interference generation system

Company description

XY-Sensing is a manufacturing company specialising in the design and implementation of advanced solutions in radar and electromagnetic reconnaissance technology, as well as security and electronic warfare systems.

In addition, XY-Sensing provides training, expert and analytical services in this area of specialisation. We offer products of the highest quality, tailored to the needs and capabilities of the recipients and users, dedicated to both security and defence system entities, as well as the civil sector using advanced reconnaissance and situation monitoring and warning systems.