Address data
ul. Gołuńska 21
80-178 Gdańsk
Voivodeship Pomorskie
phone: +48 607 574 824
Contact person
The company's activities
Sector of activity
: Other segments
Sector EDF
: Disruptive technologies, Medical response, Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN), biotech and human factors
Types of products/services offered
: battlefield medicine, bioprotection, dermatology, medicine, transplantation
Exemplary products/services
: TTF fluid for kidney transplantations – 2nd generation. TTF for organ transplantation – 2nd generation. TTF fluid for cell line storage.
Company description
Transmedium sp. z o.o. is a special-purpose vehicle established to perform the necessary research and development as well as implementation works covering certification and registration of the 2nd generation Transmedium Transplant Fluid (TTF) fluid – as the medical device in class IIa – and performing the efficacy evaluation.
The company secured its IP by obtaining the patent protection for innovative composition of 2nd generation TTF fluid at the territory of the Republic of Poland and the EU. Within the adopted product development model – in order to optimise the incurred costs – the Company outsources the specific works to external entities.
The Authors, in cooperation with the Management Board, define the content-related scope of the research and development tasks and on the basis of the obtained results make the decisions on directions of subsequent research.