Centrum Techniki Morskiej SA Research and Development Centre (Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej SA)

Address data

ul. A. Dickmana 62
81-109 Gdynia
Voivodeship Pomorskie

phone: (+48) 587 764 587
fax: (+48) 587 764 764
e-mail: ctm@ctm.gdynia.pl

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, naval segment, air segment, electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF : Air and missile defence, Digital transformation, Force protection and mobility, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Naval combat, Sensors, Simulation and training, Underwater warfare
Types of products/services offered : command systems, communication systems, data analysis and processing systems, designing, EMC research, PGZ, scientific research
Exemplary products/services : SCOT Shipboard Combat Management System, SHL-101/TM Hydrolocation Station Modular Lightweight Non-contact Minesweeper (MLM), RKP 8100 Radio Station, Remotely Initiated Charges for destroying bottom and anchor mines "Toczek", Communications Technologies, Portable Magnetic Barrier

Company description

Established in 1982, Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. Research and Development Centre has extensive competence and experience in the design, construction, supply and maintenance of integrated systems in the area of military and civil technology. This includes, in particular, the following systems: command, data analysis and processing, communications, ship and underwater systems.

Based on modern research and technical facilities (including accredited laboratories) and manufacturing, the Centre provides and develops its solutions thanks to the scientific research, development and implementation work conducted on a continuous basis. Its key activities are, above all, in the area of Defence and State Security.

An important element of the company’s activities is its participation in national and international research and development programmes and projects for the National Centre for Research and Development, the European Defence Agency (EDA) and NATO. The centre offers its customers services for the design, testing, implementation and development of prototype solutions and technologies, while ensuring their integration with the IT systems that form their environment.