Address data

ul. Cicha 19-27
85-650 Bydgoszcz
Voivodeship Kujawsko-Pomorskie

phone: +48 52 341 97 00
fax: +48 52 341 97 40

Contact person

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : electronics, Other segments
Sector EDF : Air combat, Cyber, Disruptive technologies, Force protection and mobility, Ground combat, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies, Materials and components, Simulation and training
Types of products/services offered : communication systems, firewalls, routers, servers, telecommunications
Exemplary products/services : “JAŚMIN” - a comprehensive Multi-domain Combat Management and Communications System. It is a broad collection of specialized national systems, equipment and software, on the basis of which it is possible to efficiently (as from bricks) build and develop automated, fully integrated and extensively operating combat management systems, etc.

Company description

TELDAT is the only Polish company in the field of military ICT (including extensive automated combat and emergency management systems). For nearly 30 years it has been dynamically and effectively operating in the areas of security and defense, and has in this field: the largest national and world-recognized highly specialized potential (including engineering), broad competence, capabilities, and comprehensive and unified, in some areas unique and reference, valued at home and abroad hardware and software solutions.

It specializes in the implementation of research and development, design, production, development, implementation and maintenance (including remote service supervision) of specialized ICT products, dedicated to entities performing tasks for security and national and allied defense. It has the necessary certifications, certificates, other authorizations, as well as numerous awards and distinctions, obtained for the development and implementation of innovative solutions. The totality of the aforementioned attributes positions TELDAT in the forefront of designers and manufacturers of integrated (comprehensive) systems for the support (including automation) of command, military operations and communications, referred to as systems of systems.