Address data

ul. Łukasza Drewny 80
02-968 Warszawa
Voivodeship Mazowieckie

phone: +48 22 550 48 00
fax: +48 22 550 48 10

Contact person

Medium-sized enterprise

The company's activities

Sector of activity : land segment, air segment, electronics
Sector EDF : Air and missile defence, Cyber, Digital transformation, Force protection and mobility, Ground combat, Information Superiority, Innovative defence technologies
Types of products/services offered : communication systems, communication systems, cryptography, radio communication station, radioelectronics, radiolines, router, software
Exemplary products/services : R-450C-01 broadband radio station, R-460AM-2 digital radio station, CV-12r radio integrator, RP-210-01 router platform, PTS-T-01 certified voice terminals with encryption, Site Monitoring and Configuration System - SMiKO.

Company description

Transbit was founded in 1987. The company’s main business is the development of military communications systems – field and terrestial.

The company specializes in the design, manufacture and service of broadband radios, high bandwidth beacons and radio beacons for communication with unmanned objects.

In addition, the company manufactures equipment that integrates radio means from various manufacturers, routers, switches and other network equipment, as well as servers and VoIP voice communication systems. Most of the manufactured equipment meets the requirements of Defense Standards for groups N.7 to N.11 and operates in harsh environments. Transbit’s equipment is found in many systems operated in the Polish Armed Forces, both unclassified and classified.

Transbit maintains a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and AQAP 2110:2016 for the design, manufacture and service of electronic equipment and data communications systems including software, and a Software Quality Management System that meets the requirements of AQAP 2210:2015 for the manufacture, reproduction, supply and maintenance of software.