Dane adresowe
ul. Szczecińska 65
80-392 Gdańsk
Województwo Pomorskie
tel: +48 58 307 46 97
fax: +48 58 301 16 83
e-mail: marketing@cto.gda.pl
Osoba kontaktowa
Działalność spółki
Sektor działalności
: Segment morski, Segment lądowy
Sektor EDF
: Odporność energetyczna i transformacja środowiskowa, Przetrwanie i ochrona wojsk, i mobilność, Walka lądowa, Walka morska, Walka podwodna
Rodzaje produktów/usług oferowanych/nazwa firmy
: badania naukowe, projektowanie, przyrządy pomiarowe
Przykładowe produkty/usługi
: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEM) and model tests of modern warships: frigates, corvettes, offshore patrol vessels, amphibious assault ships, navy tugs, navy diving support vessels, navy riverine support patrol vessels, landing ships, landing crafts,
Laboratory tests of weapons, grenades, electronics, etc.
Opis spółki
Maritime Advanced Research Centre, (CTO S.A.) is a modern, multidisciplinary research and design centre. Since 50 years the company is a well-recognized supplier of R&D services and expertise in the field of marine technology as well as environmental engineering. The scope of the CTO’s activities includes:
– vibration (upto 3000 kg) and shock testing (upto 250 g )
– acoustic induced vibration tests (upto 147 dB)
– corrosion tests
– wind induced resistance test
– other environmental tests (temperature, IR and UV light, etc)
Naval tests:
- Experimental model tests of ships in towing tanks and wind.
- Cavitation and hydroacoustic experimental model tests of marine propulsors.
- Computational analyses within structural mechanics (FEM) and fluid dynamics (CFD)
- Tests of floating fighting vehicles
- Prediction of nautical properties (resistance, self-propulsion, 3D wake, seakeeping, manoeuvring)
6. Design of propellers, rudders and dynamic positioning systems of ships